About visualization

Sankey Chart - the flow of customers while choosing a rental property across the top 5 states in the US

A Sankey diagram or Sankey data visualization chart is used to depict a flow from one set of values to another. The unique ability to showcase many-to-many mapping between two domains or multiple paths through a set of stages helps analyzers in visualizing the data in an appropriate way. Two endpoints that are being connected are called nodes and the coordinates between these nodes are called links.

For instance, the Sankey diagram we have represented here indicates the flow of customers while choosing a rental property across the top 5 states in the US. The moving graph line shows the percentage of people choosing to stay in the top 5 locations in the US based on their preference. Here, the node points are the name of the states mentioned at the end of the line and link the customer’s journey towards their destination state from the available five.